Today in class, I listened to at least a twenty minute conversation between the two kids in front of me as to whether they would do something for a certain amount of money. No joke, at least twenty minutes talking about this, so I had to listen to the whole conversation. Here are some of the highlights (and yes I did waste my own time in class taking notes on this conversation):
"For $10,000,000 would you drive around for the rest of your life in a baby blue convertible PT Cruiser, with the top down and a yellow surfboard in the backseat? Even if its raining, you have to keep the top down." - Neither of the kids would do it, understandably.
"For $35,000,000, for the rest of your life would you own a cat that you had to walk on a leash everywhere you went, and had matching outfits with?" -Both kids said they would do it, granted that they didn't have to pay for the cat or the cats food, clothing, etc.
The conversation of my personal favorite proposition went something like this:
Kid 1: "For $40,000,000,000 would you..."
Kid 2: "Yes"
Kid 1: "Wait a second, would you wake up every morning at 7:30am and get punted in the balls?"
Kid 2: "Who kicks me?"
Kid 1: "The wiry kicker from the movie, The Replacements" (For those of you who have never seen the movie I included a picture below)
Kid 2: "Absolutely not, and f*ck you for asking me that. Seriously man, that was messed up." (Kid 2 was actually upset, which made it so much funnier)
On another note; I hate when people ask me "What would you do with $1,000,000?" or similar questions like this. I always tell them to get lost, because the only reason anyone asks this question is to tell you what
they would do with the money, like they have some great idea about spending money.