Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I am taking time out from the greatest party known to man to write this blog as this is the best way possible to document such a glorious expression of the college experience.

Mustashio Bashio is an annual event not to be missed. The rules are simple:

No girls allowed.
You have to drink, nay pound as fast as possible, warm Jack Daniels out of a plastic cup handed to you as you walk in the gate.
No chasers.
No excuses.
No wining.
No complaining.
There are trashcans set up every five feet to catch the puke.
If you are an upper classman that is capable you must have been growing a mustache over the last month. If you are a newbie or unable to physically grow a 'stache you will be appointed an asshole that draws one on you with permanent marker.
Drink/ regurgitate your cup within twenty minutes.
Walk or stumble to the 90 to ruin a bunch of normal people's nights.
Be awesome.

There will be a follow up post with pictures if available, although most people will refuse to take pictures as they could easily be used for blackmail in the future.

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