Sunday, January 21, 2007


I have worked for my mom's property management company in Orange County for almost five years now. I thought it would be a good idea for my résumé to have held a solid job throughout college. When I started it was my first "real" work experience, because I don't count working at skate shops, golf courses, and Christmas tree lots as something that could help build my career. The first three years I worked hard and it was a challenging, valuable learning experience. However, after I moved to LA for school it turned into a long day of looking for ways to waste the time of doing pretty much nothing. This is because I now only work one day a week, I'm the only one in the office on Sundays, and I'm pretty sure no one even knows that we're open for business on Sundays. I get fed up of looking at facebook and myspace after an hour or so, and there's only so much homework I can do in one sitting before I have to turn to other time-wasting activities.

To warn anyone reading this, I'm not joking, my day really is this boring and yes I get paid to mess around by myself in an empty office all day. So, for an hour or so I hit golf balls from one patch of grass to another in the parking lot, and I only hit some random car parked in the parking lot three times, which is good for how many times I hit over it succesfully. Next, I actually had a homeowner come in to ask a quick question, which I easily could have answered within five minutes and he could have moved on with his day like a person with a normal job. Instead, I kept him talking to me about pretty much nothing for over half an hour because he was from New Zealand and I tried to fit words into the conversation that would sound funny if he said them. I broke my old record of stacking office furniture with 8 chairs; I almost hit the ceiling. After that I took a two and a half hour lunch with a couple friends, and fit in a couple games of beach volleyball on the courts that are about one hundred feet from the office. I started a fire in the kitchen, because that's the most mature way to check the smoke detector. Finally, for my final task of the day I finished processing all my paperwork, which was supposed to take me all day, in about fifteen minutes.

As an end note, I do take on other internships each semester and summer that I do take much more seriously than this. I'm not that bad of an employee usually, its just the all day boredom the fact that people really don't know the office is open on Sundays, and if they do they usually figure whatever they need to get done can wait until Monday.

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