Monday, March 19, 2007

Greatest quote, probably ever

Long-story short, my friend and I were 'cougar hunting' (which is an entire post by itself and I will go into depth later) at this bar in Carona Del Mar and my friend had the best quote I have ever heard. I did not realize his genius for a couple hours until we got home, otherwise I would have been laughing hysterically in the bar. So anyway, here's the setup:

We were standing at the bar ordering drinks, and this lady walked up and asked my friend to buy her a drink, to which he responded with:

"How about, if you end up going home with me tonight, I will reimburse you for all the drinks you buy tonight, up to $50"

She promptly responded by calling him an asshole and walking away.

I held up my part of the insult by yelling out "save your receipts" as she walked away.

What I find especially funny is that he had the presence of mind to put a $50 limit on the amount of alcohol he would cover for the night, as if that is the amount of booze it would take her to go home with him.


Elena said...

Props to your friend for the originality ... Can't believe she actually asked him for a drink outright ... some cougars!

marissa said...

I don't know if I should laugh or cry at this one.